$4,444.00 USD

I am agreeing to a 6 month program that is priced at $4,000.00. I agree to pay the full program amount. I understand that due to the nature of this program and in order to reserve my position in the program I am liable to pay the full amount of $4,000.00 regardless of my participation in the program. No refunds will be issued. This agreement is for a full 6 month program and my position can not be filled after the program begins. Paying this invoice indicates my approval of this contract.

This payment authorization is for the services described on this sales page to join the program and under the terms on this invoice, for the amount indicated above.

I certify that I am an authorized user of this credit card and that I will not dispute the payment with my credit card company; so long as the transaction corresponds to the terms indicated in this form.










Rise of the Soulful CEO/Rise of the Soulful Woman Level 2

Dearest Sister,

This is an intimate, immersive and integration journey to discover, transform, awaken, and design your Destiny. 

In this program you will receive:

Online Portal

  • Virtual Focused Flow Accountability Sessions 

  • Virtual Momentum Magical Masterminds

  • Virtual Vibrant Visibility/Mastermind Business Focus

  • Open Hours

Online Energetic Alignment Sessions

Speak from your Soul Course:

  • Virtual Speak From Your Soul Course


  • Quarterly Astrology master Class

1:1 Coaching/Soul/Energy Sessions:

  • 1:1 You will receive a private 60-90 minute intake session with Stephanie to start the program

  •  Three (3) virtual private coaching sessions with Stephanie

Private High Vibe Sisterhood Tribe Inner Circle FB Group

Additional Bonuses: 

  • High Vibe Sisterhood Virtual Events led by Stephanie

  • Discounted in person social events at the farm as Stephanie's VIP client.
  • An off site in person Retreat during the year. (travel, lodging, and food are not included)

  • At this payment level you will also have the opportunity to attend both the Rise of the Soulful CEO and the Rise of the Soulful Woman online events for the year.