Jewels, Ace, and I are ready for you!

Come experience this revolutionary experience and register Here
Check out what women are saying about this workshop:
“Stephanie I am so grateful to have gotten the opportunity to work with you and Jewels. I am still processing a lot of what came though. I feel it is safe to say I got more out of 3 hours with you and Jewels 🐴 than I have gotten in years of therapy. Perhaps all the of work before prepared my heart to be so open to it all.
I am in absolute awe of how Jewels 🐴was able to hold the group. Her ability to be loving and open unconditionally with each beautiful woman there was astounding and I get chills just thinking about it. What a master!
And you Stephanie are the real deal. Your joy and love for your work is apparent. I felt your genuine caring come through like a wave of love, wisdom, and understanding. And I loved all the embodied techniques you use.
Oh that mother sound bowl was the best! I felt the lights turn back on in my body so many times and hope to keep them on!
Thank you for helping me remember. I got to much done the past couple days and felt myself pop back into alignment with so many things! Blessings to you and Jewels and all you do.”
Mel ❤️
Here are some more testimonials from this workshop:
“The 3 hours I was at the farm changed my life! “
“I received the message to stop hiding from my light!”
“The retreat was so empowering and healing. I loved the whole retreat and the different phases. The impact for me was to step out of the shadows and open my heart to whatever the universe has for me.”
“Jewels 🐴was so calming and helped me to ground me NOW! “
“Breath work can change energy quicker than I thought. It really surprised me.”
“I learned it was okay to let go, try, and open up. I learned to trust, relax, open up, and let good things in. Thank you for being YOU! “
“I felt peaceful and at ease. I love being around all these women and feeling the support. I am grateful for Jewels🐴 and having her help me release the hurt and start the healing of my heart.”
I feel….
Wonderful! Empowered! Grateful! I want more! Jewels 🐴 is the best!!”
“ I feel less stressed, and tight. I feel calm, freed, and confident. I love Jewels and all the safety in the space of this event. We can trust in what we cannot see. Childhood dream came to light. Jewels walked with me and told me it’s OK to move forward.”
“I am feeling more at peace feeling feeling I can do the work I need to do and move forward. I love the safe space and the ability for everyone to open up. The liquid love that was shared. It made me feel safe.”
“ I love Jewels. I feel great. I feel like I was heard. I loved the sharing and the support. I learned how to be still, relax, and trust, also, that I’m not alone.”