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Tap into your joy and inner light to FLOW TO FREEDOM

Uncategorized Dec 29, 2022


Can you feel the JOY in my heart? ❤️✨
Trust me, it wasn’t always like this. I have suffered from severe anxiety, PTSD, and 7 different health diagnosis all stemming from not being able to process my emotions due to a traumatic event of my first husband’s death.
I truly believe that your greatest wounds can turn into your greatest gifts when you heal. As a result, I have spent the last 20 years diving DEEP learning healing and transformational tools that took me from barely  surviving to thriving.
As I used these practices my life and business unfolded in the most beautiful way.
I am just ending my most fulfilling and abundant year of my life! ✨🙏🏽❤️ My heart was calling for MORE and I am SO glad I listened to its call 5 years ago when I went on my soul journey to ultimate freedom. ❤️
I know I am here to help others activate their light, align, and shine bright in this world. ✨
I have become a professional soul shiner. ✨I see your shining soul, dreams, and ultimate possibilities that the darkness of the world can take away from us. Let me assure you that your light is still there and WANTS to SHINE ✨ BRIGHT my dear one.
I know the path through and want to invite you on this beautiful journey home to your heart. ❤️Trust me, YOU heart knows and you have EVERYTHING you already need right inside you. It just needs to be activated. I am here to teach you how to ignite your fire 🔥!
Do you feel your heart calling for MORE?
If so, I invite you to let it speak to you and follow it. Speaking to the soul is my specialty and I would love to help you.
You become a magnet 🧲 for miracles when you align from your soul, match your energy to your dream in your heart, and create from THIS sacred place. It feels like magic, but it’s really physics. It’s proven and it’s the formula to spread your wings to soar. 🦅
Are you ready to tap into your magic and Flow to Freedom with me and my high vibe sisters?
If you are ready to heal and liberate yourself and your business to reach your ultimate dreams, then let’s chat.
I have worked in the field of possibilities for the last 20 years and have found a way to tap into your magic 🪄 within.
I have created a life and a business around my soul for the last five years.
I have found a way to create from ultimate joy and I want to share it with you.
We will ditch the hustle, grind, and working for our worth.
And trade it with…
Here are just of a few of highlights the sisters accomplished this year by shining their souls so they can radiate their gifts to the world.
Inner accomplishments:
✨I feel whole for the first time in my life.
✨I have more JOY and Fulfillment in life and business.
✨I deeply love and accept myself.
✨I am operating from my feminine flow of ease and joy instead of my masculine working to achieve way.
✨I have more energy!
✨I am healthier in all areas of my life!
Outer Achievements:
⭐️ Business Woman of the Year Award
⭐️ Extraordinary Speaker of the year Award
⭐️ Rising Star Award
⭐️ Spoke on the biggest stage of my career (3 clients said this)
⭐️ Wrote and published a book
⭐️ Writing a book
⭐️ Manifested a 5 year dream this year of opening a wellness center
⭐️ Created a brand new business that is so aligned to my soul that feeds my soul instead of drains it.
⭐️ Finding a balance in my life and business
⭐️ Taking more vacations and time for me while making MORE money!
⭐️ I made 7,500 in ONE day after my first energy session with Stephanie
⭐️ I got out of my head and into my heart and wrote a talk. (3 clients)
⭐️ I got accepted to speak on stage for the first time ever! (4 clients)
⭐️ I feel more alive and aligned then ever in my life and business!
⭐️ I am making more time by doing less
⭐️ I am attracting soul clients and friends into my life and business.
Are you ready for YOUR success story?
It’s time to align and ✨shine ✨ sisters!
Doors are open for my year long woman’s course that is designed for you to step into your ultimate possibilities.
We only have a few spots open, so let’s chat soon. The magical portal starts in January. ✨🪄
Photo credit by the fabulous Jennifer MacNiven✨
May be an image of 1 person, standing, flower and nature



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